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BHEF Fall social fundraiser hosted by Kim and Zach Taylor

BHEF Fall Social Fundraiser

November 5th, 2016

On behalf of the Bradley Hills Education Foundation I’m sending a tremendous thank you to the entire BHES community for your contributions to Saturday’s successful social and fundraiser. We had around 100 Bradley Hills families, friends, staff, teachers and administrators join to learn more about some of the school’s needs for this year. Also, a very special thank you to Kim and Zach Taylor for hosting this wonderful event in your lovely home.

For those who missed the event - these funds have more than covered the costs for the purchase of snow removal equipment (more outdoor recess!) and the purchase of an extra chromebook cart for use in the media center.


Our focus is now squarely on raising all of the money we need to purchase 8,000+ instructional reading books that our kids are lacking today. The cost to purchase all the books that our school needs comes out to roughly $65 per student and the Board is focusing our fundraising efforts on meeting this tremendous need. A big thank you to everyone who has so generously contributed so far!  Please keep an eye out for more details on this continuing effort in the weeks to come.

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