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December 26, 2017


Dear Parents,


As 2017 draws to a close, the Bradley Hills Education Foundation would like to take a moment to thank all of the families who have graciously donated this year.


2017 was a very big year at Bradley Hills Elementary School. With your help, and in partnership with the PTA, the Foundation installed enhanced security throughout our school last spring. The Foundation also funded the purchase of radios that allow the front office and staff to communicate throughout the day, bought high-level reading books, continued to support the Mindfulness program in our school, and brought in the Kindness Diaries assembly - among other activities.


As we look forward to 2018, the Foundation is gearing up for a very busy second half of the year. Having invested over $20,000 in 2017, we are focused on fundraising so that we can continue to support upcoming requests from the Bradley Hills Elementary School community.


Your contributions to the Foundation are vital in sustaining our mission of providing an enriching, exciting and safe environment for our children to learn. No donation is too small! Past donations have ranged from $50 to $5,000 – and don’t forget to see if your company offers matching donations!


We hope that as the year draws to a close, you’ll give generously and participate in supporting and enriching our children’s school experience.


And finally, please save the date for our big spring auction. We had so much fun at last year’s sold out casino night and are hard at work preparing for another great night of fun and fundraising on April 14, 2018. Mark your calendars now and look for details in the New Year!


On behalf of the entire Bradley Hills Education Foundation we wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year!



Thank you,


Michelle Molloy and Ronald W English II

Co-Presidents of BHEF


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